Do you have a urinary catheter?  Maybe you’ve had it as long as you can remember. Maybe you need one due to an accident or illness. Maybe your recent prostatectomy, cystectomy, nephrostomy or one of the other “tomies” necessitate the use of one for a limited time.

How ever it became a part of your life, it’s here. Now what?

We introduce you to the new URO URINARY SUSPENSORY SYSTEM™. Then you will see how it can improve your lifestyle and help normalize your life.


Ditch the Diaper and the Tourniquet-Style Leg Straps

Let’s face it. Until now, options for catheter users were just not great.

There was the diaper which has all the allure of soggy underwear. And the odor? Well, let’s just use our imaginations.

The most common prescribed incontinent products are disposable leg bags—with constrictive leg straps (tourniquets) which rank right up there with medieval torture. They chafe the skin, causing painful ulcers. They constrict circulation to the lower legs, which is dangerous for wheelchair users, older adults, those with poor circulation, people in danger of blood clots, or…anyone, really.  As the bladder empties, the urinary drainage bags fill and weigh down on the leg straps causing the leg bag to drop down the leg and disengage, causing an embarrassing incident. To further secure them, you tighten the leg straps, exacerbating the skin and circulation issues.  Vicious circle!

Illustration of a person wearing a urinary collection leg bag secured by painful leg straps. There is a red circle/slash through the image.


Secure Your Legs Bags Discreetly and Comfortably with the URO Urinary Suspension System

This system works together seamlessly to help you get out there and live your life. It’s ideal for both men and women with all lifestyles. The product includes:

  • A comfortable, reusable undergarment with interior leg pouches that safely secures your leg bags

  • Two reusable vinyl 600 ml leg bags

  • Two 6” tubes with connectors which attach to a condom catheter

Diagram of the URO Urinary Suspensory System where the component leg bag, tubing, sheath and release valve are enlarged and labelled.

The URO URINARY SUSPENSORY SYSTEM™ is excellent for use with a variety of different catheters including condom sheath, Foley, Ileal conduit, suprapubic and nephrostomy (right, left or bi-lateral).

And for the pièce de resistance, it is covered by Medicare! (Code: HPCS #A5105). A prescription entitles you to one complete system per month.

The Catheter User’s Take on the System

More than 100 million urinary catheters are used annually worldwide, which means 400 were used in the two minutes it took to read to this point. If these folks could access the URO URINARY SUSPENSORY SYSTEM™, they would sound a lot like these happy customers…

After experiencing our product, one man with diabetes stated emphatically, “I will never use leg straps again!” The leg straps constantly rubbing against his thigh had caused the skin to break down and open ulcers to develop.

Another post prostatectomy patient triumphantly exclaimed, “This product is great! After surgery I could still live a normal life. NO MORE DIAPERS!”

A senior couple, bundled up for Fall weather, enjoy bird watching in the woods and each other's company.

“My Dad said anyone who is in the situation like him and has to have a catheter 24/7 or for any amount of time is crazy if they don’t have your product,” said a grateful son whose father was reaping the benefits of the URO URINARY SUSPENSORY SYSTEM™. “Just wanted to give a BIG thumbs up on such a great invention!”

This product is available through several top-notch distributors with just a few more clicks.

The only question left is, what are you waiting for?

Celeste Bonham